The big power stations that supply about 40% of our electricity stand on the River Ouse and Trent in the North of England. They look like alien structures built in another age. Belching out all sorts of steam, gas and smoke you can't help thinking there has to be a better way of generating electrical power than this.

Markings on the roads of New Mexico. Left like little bits of alien code to be pieced together and deciphered.

When people move out in California they tend to just leave things as they are. The baking hot, precipitation-free climate preserves everything in a strange time bubble – there's a macabre post apocalyptical quality to everything. The only things missing are the people…

San Diego's climate is the 'best in the world'. Nicely warm all year round. It rarely gets insanely hot in summer and never sees the white stuff in winter (well, only 5 times in 125 years). So it's curious that there's a widespread fetish for car covers in that corner of California. They're everywhere. Covering everything from E-types to RV's, Barracudas to Stingrays, Mustangs to Impalas.

Flying around the inside of a huge wooden barrel on 70 year old bikes built in Massachusetts might seem like madness. And it is. The riders of the Demon Drome have recreated the classic wall of death travelling shows of the 1930's and 40's.

After reading Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff Geoff Snell started photographing US Air Force aircrew and personnel at windswept bases across Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. Bit of a tricky subject as the military aren't noted for their transparency and openness but with some general blagging and travelling around to showcase events like Mildenhall Open House a good body of work has been collected.

Vast swathes of the US are changing rapidly after decades of very little or no development at all. The further one gets off the beaten track the slower the pace of modernisation. In the foothills of the Catalina Mountains, Southern Arizona, the stables at Haciendo Del Sol have seen decades of mostly 100 degree daily temperatures, clear blue skies, vultures and rattlesnakes. And very little else.

There's a bit of something going on. Whether it's kicking up against student fees, G20 summits, public sector cuts, teachers pensions, or overthrowing middle eastern governments – or just saying we're sick of it and we're not taking it anymore (have a look at Peter Finch in Network 1976). The thin blue line is a pretty chunky one that is equipped with the type of gear that could repel an alien invasion.

The Coachella Valley which follows the San Andreas Fault line down through Palm Springs is a curious mix of 1950's architecture, washed-up old hollywood actors, sun-baked peeling motels and black widow spiders. It's not everyones cuppa but there's nothing quite like it anywhere else in the world.

The Farnborough Airshow is held every two years, alternating with the French showcase event at Le Bourget near Paris. The airshow is an open shop for selling aviation related equipment and specifically very big, shiny, expensive aircraft. It's an odd mix of heavyweight, global companies demonstrating the latest in clandestine stealth technology and groups of schoolkids collecting aeroplane stickers.

Gene Autry, Curtis Gordon, George Jones, Audie Murphy, Willie Nelson, Buck Rodgers, Casey Jones, Rooster Cogburn, Hank Williams, Coogan, John Wayne, Webb Pierce, Pat Garrett, Slim Pickens, Jim Bowie, Butch Cassidy, Frank James, Jim Reeves, The Lone Ranger, Sam McCloud, George McClintock, Billie the Kid, Narvel Felts, Wyatt Erp, Matt Dillon, Bill Cody, Josey Wales, Roy Rodgers, Bob Wills, Buck Owens.

The US military own great swathes of land in America, particularly out in the sparsely populated Western States. The worlds biggest Marine Corps base at 29 Palms is set in over 600,000 acres of a very barren Mojave Desert. General George Patton first brought his soldiers to train in the Morongo Valley 70 years ago, and they never left. Military world and civilian world bump up right next to each other and you're never far away from a military number plate or a veteran.

It's all or nothing - feast or famine - gold or the wooden spoon... The three Football League play-off finals, all played in a week at the end of May, mean promotion and glory for one set of fans - or a long, miserable, trudge at ten to five, back up past the burger vans to Wembley tube station, for the losers. Last seasons contenders - Blackpool, Cardiff, Dagenham, Rotherham, Swindon and Millwall.

Danny Somekh at Huddle had the bright idea of doing some good stuff for a good cause as well as fulfill a bit of an ambition to get into film making. Dan wanted to help childrens charity Place2Be raise money and persuaded a film crew, writers and actors to dedicate their time to filming and producing a short film. We shot pics of director Armand Attard filming scenes at a smashed-up, disused old peoples home in Mill Hill, North London which were then used to promote the launch of the film and help fund raising.

If you fly into McCarran, Clark County it's a bit like landing on the Vegas strip. Most airports are stuck out on cheap land 15 miles from the city centre but this one puts you straight down in the thick of things. It was the location for Sean Connery to strut around in the sharpest black suit in Diamonds Are Forever, it's the ferry point for Air Force workers travelling up to the top secret Area 51, ground temperatures in Summer can get up to 122 degrees - oh and it's the 6th busiest airport in the world.